McKenzie & Tehrani Law Firm


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Everyone knows that prostitution is considered a crime. What is not so apparent is that it is more often the people who solicit prostitutes who are charged with crimes than the prostitutes themselves especially since there are numerous undercover policewomen acting as prostitutes throughout the Metropolitan Area. Being arrested itself carries negative consequences, even if the charges are not upheld — including irreparable damage to one’s reputation which may affect a career, a marriage, and an entire future.

Just being arrested for alleged solicitation of a prostitute may bring unwanted notoriety in places such as Maryland, where the District Courts publicize the names of people charged with this offense online.

Prostitution charges often come down to a disparity between one person’s account and the account of another of a planned sexual encounter — or one which has already occurred. Individuals making contact with each other via Craigslist, Backpage, or in public places may differ in their accounts as to whether payment of sex was part of the deal, as opposed to consensual sex followed by a monetary gift.

Whatever the circumstances and facts in your prostitution or indecent exposure case, your need for a criminal defense lawyer comes about as soon as you have any indication that you may be charged. The sooner you have an experienced attorney advocating on your behalf, the greater the possibilities are for your case to be resolved favorably:

  • Charges never filed
  • Case dismissed
  • Charges reduced
  • Acquittal on all charges
  • Reduction of penalties
  • No jail time

A conviction for any charge related to prostitution may lead to serious consequences, including an enduring criminal record, sex offender registration and all the negative problems in one’s personal life that accompany a criminal record.


Our attorneys work around the clock to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve.


The Law Offices of McKenzie and Tehrani offer their clients free consultations. Let us put you at ease about your case and defend you aggressively against your charges.


We have been practicing law in Maryland for over 15 years. Dedicating ourselves to defending members of our very own community.